Welcome to Fulton El Camino (FEC) Soccer Club Registration

Registration is Open from April 1, 2015 - September 1, 2015

FEC is excited to announce that we will be utilizing online registration this year! Yes, we have had this availability in the past but not used it to its full potential. Online registration will allow families to easily register their player(s) from the comfort of their own home. This new process also allows the parent/guardian to input all the needed information, ensuring that names, phone numbers, email address, etc. are correct.
ALL PLAYERS: Must upload a recent photo to complete the registration process. Players will not be assigned to a team until a photo has been uploaded. This photo will be used for their player pass so please make sure that it's not too dark. A frontal head shot, from the top of their head to the top of their shoulders, is needed.  Please no hats, no Sunglasses (regular glasses are ok but if they are transition sunglasses it is best to take photo indoors).

NEW PLAYERS: Must upload a copy of a government-issued birth certificate or Passport, to verify birth date. Players will not be assigned to a team until their birth date has been verified by Cal North.  Hospital and baptismal certificates are not acceptable.

PLAYING UP: Players who would like to play with a team one (1) year older than his/her assigned age group cannot change his/her age group in the registration application. To request to play up, please submit a "Play Up Request" form. This form is available online during the registration process. Once you have completed the Play Up Form, please send to the registrar via email.

NEW COACHES: Must register via this website as well as go to Capital LiveScan and get finger printed. After Registering, new coaches will be prompted at the end of the registration process to print a LiveScan form to take to Capital LiveScan.

ALL COACHES:  Please attend our League Coaching Fair on May 30, 2015  at Off the Wall Indoor Soccer ,from 9am to 2pm. You can complete all your coaching requirements at one place. Our photographer from Lifetouch will be there to take your Pass and Badge photo, as well as Capital LiveScan to complete your fingerprinting requirements.

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